Dear Roger, You were always very kind to me and Flo. I loved hearing your stories and talking with you. In later years I didn’t see you as much but that didn’t matter because I knew you had a soft spot for us. The only thing I wish is that you’d got to meet my son but as you watch down on your girls and grandchildren just look a little to the left or right from time to time and you’ll see Zac teaching Theodore how to play football or jumping on the trampoline with Nenn. You’ll see Clair up to no good with Nenn and Kate having them over for little sleepovers. You’ll see Mandy showing them the love of a Nanny and Ells loving them like I loved her. Thank you for making the world a better place with your time here and the family you leave behind, they are simply incredible. Goodnight Roger love you Aman, Flo, Sienna-Rose and Theodore xxxx A Little Poem As you take this final journey to that wonderous heavenly place Your loved ones will remember every part of you your heart your hands your face Go in peace and know your family will be fine As you watch over them from up above your light will always shine The sound of your booming laughter is engrained in our hearts and mind You were always very open and to many you were kind Your stories made us giggle and they made us laugh out loud You stood up for what you believed in and you always stood out in a crowd Every day you will be missed and sometimes we’ll even cry You’ll be remembered for all the good times and our spirits will be lifted high We promise that the tears will go and that they won’t last too long You legacy will live on through our memories and your songs